Tuesday, February 10, 2009

seminar topic

mobile ip:-

While Internet technologies largely succeed in

overcoming the barriers of time and distance,

existing Internet technologies have yet to fully

accommodate the increasing mobile computer

usage. A promising technology used to eliminate

this current barrier is Mobile IP. The emerging

3G mobile networks are set to make a huge

difference to the international business community.

3G networks will provide sufficient bandwidth to

run most of the business computer applications

while still providing a reasonable user experience.

However, 3G networks are not based on only one

standard, but a set of radio technology standards

such as cdma2000, EDGE and WCDMA. It is easy

to foresee that the mobile user from time to time

also would like to connect to fixed broadband

networks, wireless LANs and, mixtures of new

technologies such as Bluetooth associated to e.g.

cable TV and DSL access points.

In this light, a common macro mobility management

framework is required in order to allow mobile users

to roam between different access networks with little

or no manual intervention. (Micro mobility issues such

as radio specific mobility enhancements are supposed to

be handled within the specific radio technology.) IETF has

created the Mobile IP standard for this purpose.

Mobile IP is different compared to other efforts

for doing mobility management in the sense that

it is not tied to one specific access technology.

In earlier mobile cellular standards, such as GSM,

the radio resource and mobility management was

vertically into one system. The same is also true for

mobile packet data standards such as CDPD, Cellular

Digital Packet Data and the internal packet data mobility

protocol (GTP/MAP) of GPRS/UMTS networks. This

vertical mobility management property is also inherent

for the increasingly popular 802.11 Wireless LAN standard.

Mobile IP can be seen as the least common mobility

denominator - providing seamless macro mobility

solutions among the diversity of accesses. Mobile IP is

defining a Home Agent as an anchor point with which

the mobile client always has a relationship, and a

Foreign Agent, which acts as the local tunnel-endpoint

at the access network where the mobile client is visiting.

Depending on which network the mobile client is

currently visiting; its point of attachment Foreign Agent)

may change. At each point of attachment, Mobile IP

either requires the availability of a standalone Foreign

Agent or the usage of a Co-located care-of address in

the mobile client itself.

The concept of "Mobility" or "packet data mobility",

means different things depending on what

the word is used within. In a wireless or fixed

environment, there are many different ways of

implementing partial or full mobility and roaming services.

The most common ways of implementing mobility

(discrete mobility or IP roaming service) support

in today's IP networking environments includes

simple "PPP dial-up" as well as company internal

mobility solutions implemented by means of renewal

of IP address at each new point of attachment.

The most commonly deployed way of supporting

remote access users in today's Internet is to utilize

the public telephone network (fixed or mobile) and

to use the PPP dial-up functionality.

satya prakash tiwari


seminar topic

DNA chips:-

DNA chips also known as micro arrays are very
significant technological development in molecula
biology and are perhaps most efficient tool available
for functional genomics today. An evident from the
name micro array essentially consists of an array
of either Oligonucleotides or cDNA fixed on a
substrate. There has been an explosion of information
in the field of genomics in the last five years.
Genomes of several organisms have been fully
sequenced. The next step necessarily involves
the analysis of comparative expression levels of
various genes and to identify all the possible
variations of sequence present in each of the
gene or in the noncording regulatory regions
obtained from a particular population. Handling
such large volumes of data requires techniques
which necessitate miniaturization and a massive
parallelism. Hence the DNA chip comes in to the picture.
Researchers such as those at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks' (UAF) Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
and the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC)
seek to understand how organisms deal with the
demands of their natural environment-as shown
by the discovery of many remarkable adaptations
that organisms have acquired living in the extremes
of Alaska. Many of these adaptations have significant
biomedical relevance in areas such as stroke,
cardiovascular disease, and physiological stress.
Somehow, our wild counterparts have adapted to
severe environmental demands over long periods
of time. Simultaneous to this research, scientists
are also investigating the molecular changes that
can be observed in humans as a result of their
environment, such as through smoking or exposure
to contaminants.

This push in research has resulted in the integration
with life science research of approaches from many
fields, including engineering, physics, mathematics,
and computer science. One of the most well-known
results of this is the Human Genome Project.
Through this project, researchers * were able to
design instruments capable of performing many
different types of molecular measurements so
that statistically significant and large scale sampling
of these molecules could be achieved. Now,
biomedical research is producing data that show
researchers that things are not always where they
expected them to be, while at the same time researchers
are at a rapidly expanding phase of discovery
and analysis of large, highly repeatable measurements
of complex molecular systems.

One of the more important and generally applicable
tools that has emerged from this type of research is
called DNA micro arrays, or DNA chip technology
This technology uses the fundamentals of Watson
and Crick base-pairing along with hybridization to

applications of DNA micro arrays to simultaneously
interrogate a large number of genetic loci
(those locations on the DNA molecules that have
differing biological roles). The result of this type
analysis is that experiments that once tool ten
years in thousands of laboratories can now be
with a small number of experiments in just one laboratory.

satya prakash tiwari


seminar topic

Computers and Networking have become
inseparable by now. A number of confidential
transactions occur every second and today computers
are used mostly for transmission rather than
processing of data. So Network Security is
needed to prevent hacking of data and to provide
authenticated data transfer. Network Security
can be achieved by Firewall. Conventional
firewalls rely on the notions of restricted topology
and controlled entry points to function. Restricting
the network topology, difficulty in filtering of certain
protocols, End-to-End encryption problems and
few more problems lead to the evolution of
Distributed Firewalls.
A distributed firewall is a mechanism to enforce

a network domain security policy through the use
of a policy language, a policy distribution scheme
enabling policy control from a central point and
certificates, enabling the identification of any member
of the network policy domain.
Distributed firewalls secure the network by

protecting critical network endpoints, exactly
where hackers want to penetrate. It filters traffic
from both the Internet and the internal network
because the most destructive and costly hacking
attacks still originate from within the organization.
They provide virtually unlimited scalability. In
addition, they overcome the singlepoint-of-failure p
roblem presented by the perimeter firewall.
In our paper we deal with distributed firewall

concepts, its evolution, its components, policies
and a sample of the designed policy along with i
mplementation. A distributed firewall gives complete
security to the network.
1.Introduction :
Distributed firewalls are host-resident security
software applications that protect the enterprise
network's servers and end-user machines against
unwanted intrusion. They offer the advantage of
filtering traffic from both the Internet and the
internal network. This enables them to prevent
hacking attacks that originate from both the
Internet and the internal network. This is
important because the most costly and destructive
attacks still originate from within the organization.
They are like personal firewalls except they offer

several important advantages like central management,
logging, and in some cases, access-control granularity.
These features are necessary to implement
corporate security policies in larger enterprises.
Policies can be defined and pushed out on an
enterprise-wide basis.
A feature of distributed firewalls is centralized

management. The ability to populate servers
and end-users machines, to configure and
"push out" consistent security policies helps
to maximize limited resources. The ability to
gather reports and maintain updates centrally
makes distributed security practical. Distributed
firewalls help in two ways. Remote end-user
machines can be secured . Secondly, they secure
critical servers on the network preventing intrusion
by malicious code and "jailing" other such code by
not letting the protected server be used as a launch
pad for expanded attacks.
Usually deployed behind the traditional firewall,

they provide a second layer of defense. They work
by enabling only essential traffic into the machine
they protect, prohibiting other types of traffic to
prevent unwanted intrusions. Whereas the perimeter
firewall must take a generalist, common denominator
approach to protecting servers on the network,
distributed firewalls act as specialists.
2.Evolution of Distributed Firewall from the
Conventional Firewall :
A firewall is a collection of components, interposed
between two networks, that filters traffic between
them according to some security policy.
Basic structure of a firewall
Some problems with the conventional firewalls t
hat lead to Distributed Firewalls are
as follows.
Depends on the topology of the network.
Do not protect networks from the internal attacks.
Unable to handle protocols like FTP and RealAudio.
Has single entry point and the failure of this leads to problems.
Unable to stop "spoofed" transmissions

(i.e., using false source addresses).
Unable to log all of the network's activity and

unable to dynamically open and close their networking ports.
In order to solve these problems while still

retaining the advantages of the conventional firewalls,
the concept of "distributed firewall" is proposed.
3.Distributed Firewall :
Distributed firewalls are host-resident security
software applications that protect the enterprise
network's critical endpoints against unwanted
intrusion that is, its servers and end-user machines.
In this concept, the security policy is defined
centrally and the enforcement of the policy takes
place at each endpoint (hosts, routers, etc).
Usually deployed behind the traditional firewall,
they provide a second layer of protection.
Distributed Firewall
Since all the hosts on the inside are trusted equally,

if any of these machines are subverted, they
can be used to launch attacks to other hosts,
especially to trusted hosts for protocols like rlogin.
Thus there is a faithful effort from the industry
security organizations to move towards a system
which has all the aspects of a desktop firewall but
with centralized management like Distributed Firewalls.
Distributed, host-resident firewalls prevent the

hacking of both the PC and its use as an entry
point into the enterprise network. A compromised
PC can make the whole network vulnerable to attacks.
The hacker can penetrate the enterprise network
uncontested and steal or corrupt corporate assets.
3.1. Basic Working :
Distributed firewalls are often kernel-mode
applications that sit at the bottom of the OSI
stack in the operating system. They filter all
traffic regardless of its origin -- the Internet
or the internal network. They treat both the
Internet and the internal network as "unfriendly".
They guard the individual machine in the same
way that the perimeter firewall guards the overall network.
4. Policies :
One of the most often used term in case of network
security and in particular distributed firewall is
policy. It is essential to know about policies.
A "security policy" defines the security rules of a system.
Without a defined security policy, there is no way
to know what access is allowed or disallowed
A simple example for a firewall is
Allow all connections to the web server.
Deny all other access.
The distribution of the policy can be different

and varies with the implementation. It can be either
directly pushed to end systems, or pulled when necessary.
4.1. Pull technique :
The hosts while booting up pings to the central
management server to check whether the central
management server is up and active. It registers
with the central management server and requests
for its policies which it should implement.
The central management server provides
the host with its security policies.
4.2. Push technique :
The push technique is employed when the
policies are updated at the central management
side by the network administrator and the hosts
have to be updated immediately. This push
technology ensures that the hosts always have
the updated policies at anytime.
The policy language defines which inbound and

outbound connections on any component of the
network policy domain are allowed, and can affect
policy decisions on any layer of the network,
being it at rejecting or passing certain packets
or enforcing policies at the application layer.
5. Components of a Distributed Firewall :
A central management system for designing the policies.
A transmission system to transmit these polices .
Implementation of the designed policies in the client end.
5.1. Central management System :
Central Management, a component of distributed
firewalls, makes it practical to secure enterprise-wide
servers, desktops, laptops, and workstations.
Central management provides greater control
and efficiency and it decreases the maintenance
costs of managing global security installations.
This feature addresses the need to maximize
network security resources by enabling policies
to be centrally configured, deployed, monitored,
and updated. From a single workstation, distributed
firewalls can be scanned to understand the current
operating policy and to determine if updating is required.
5.2. Policy Distribution :
The policy distribution scheme should guarantee
the integrity of the policy during transfer.
The distribution of the policy can be different
and varies with the implementation. It can be
either directly pushed to end systems, or pulled
when necessary.
5.3. Host End Implementation :
The security policies transmitted from the
central management server have to be implemented
by the host. The host end part of the Distributed
Firewall does provide any administrative control
for the network administrator to control the
implementation of policies. The host allows
traffic based on the security rules it has implemented.
6. Policy design and implementation :
6.1. Formulation of the Policy :
User level process that makes all the decisions
based on policies. Initial policies are read from a file.
The implementation is done on OpenBSD. A language
to express policies and resolving requests like
KeyNote system is used. A "security policy"
defines the security rules of a system (i.e) to
decide what to allow and what not to allow.
A sample of our designed policy is mentioned as follows:
Server side:
the server side is passive open and listens-
- using the system listen() call
it accepts the incoming connections using the accept() call
if the packets are from the undesired network-

- (determined using the source IP address)
go to decision;
if the incoming packets request HTTP service -

-i.e. port no - 80 (suppose if HTTP
-service is to be avoided)
go to decision;
if the packets contain malicious code
go to decision;
if the host(source IP address) look like an intruder
go to decision;
if all the conditions are overcome then
permit the packets;
deny the packets and drop them.
permit all other types of packets to go through

The Policy mentioned here checks for conditions
that can deny the packets and afterwards checks
for permitting because if we allow permission first
then all the packets may be allowed. This is similar
to the usage of Access Control List (ACLs) in routers.
Client side:
the client side is active open and the policies are
distributed here
6.2. State Diagram:
6.3. Program modules :
Server side:
This module is the server daemon that runs at
the Central management server. The server listens
on a particular port for a request from the client.
After accepting the connection the server daemon
pushes out the security policies specific to contacting client.
Client side:
This module is executed by the client at startup.
The client contacts the Central Management Server.
It registers with it as an active host. It then obtains
its updated policies and implements them.
After implementing these security policies the
traffic is monitored and controlled based on
the security policies. Thus the concept of distributed
firewalls is implemented.
6.4.Classes used in the implementation:
Server side:
server_Int (Interface) : Has all the methods to -
-be implemented on the server.
service_provider: This class implements the-

-interface server_int.
server: Creates an object of the service_provider -

-class and embeds it in the registry.
Client side:
private String calculateMacAddr( ): Gets the MAC
address of the machine and later sends it to
the Server when accessing the object in the registry.
public void execRules(String rules):Executes the

rules distributed by the server.
6.5.Sample output :
The system is implemented in linux operating
system and the language used is Java. The Remote
Method Invocation(RMI) architecture of java is
used for defining the policies in the server side and
implementing the policies in the client side.
clusion:Distributed Firewall gives complete
protection to the network. It protects all the
clients of the networks from the internal and
external attacks.The distributed firewall system
developed by us can allow or deny the traffic meant
for a particular system based on the policy it has
to follow.Remote end-user machines can be secured
so they can't be used as entry points into the
enterprise network. They secure critical servers
on the network preventing intrusion by malicious
code and "jailing" other such code by not letting the
protected server be used as a launch pad for
expanded attacks. Because the firewall is distributed
across an entire network or server farm it offers
unlimited scalability. The processing load is further
distributed as the network grows, so performance
remains high.
satya prakash tiwari

seminar topic

Wireless Application Protocol:-
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a
result of the WAP Forum s effort to promote
industry-wide specifications for technology
useful in developing applications and services
that operates over wireless communication
networks. WAP specifies an application
framework and network protocols for wireless
devices such as mobile telephones, pagers,
and personal digital assistants. (PDAs).
The specifications extend and leverage
mobile networking technologies
(such as digital data networking standards)
and Internet technologies (such as XML, URLs,
scripting, and various content formats). The effort
is aimed at enabling operation, manufactures,
and content developers to meet the challenges
in building advanced differentiated services
and implementation in a fast and flexible
manner.The Objectives of the WAP Forum
are: To bring Internet content and advanced
data services to digital cellular phones and
other wireless terminals. To create a global
wireless protocol specifications that will work
across differing wireless network technologies
To enable the creation of content and applications
that scale across a very wide range of bearer
networks and device types. To embrace and
extend existing standards and technology
wherever appropriate. The WAP Architecture
specification is intended to present the system
and protocol architectures essential to achieving
the objective of the WAP Forum.WAP is positioned
at the convergence of two rapidly evolving
network technologies, wireless data and Internet.
Both the wireless data market and the Internet
are growing very quickly and are continuously
reaching new customers. The explosive growth
of the Internet has fuelled the creation of new
and exciting information services Most of the
technology developed for the Internet has been
designed for desktop and larger computers
and medium to high bandwidth, generally
reliable data networks. Mass-market, hand
held wireless devices present a more constrained
computing environment compared to desktop
computers. Because of fundamental invitation
of power and form factor, mass market handheld
devices tend to have: Less powerful CPUs,
Less memory (ROM and RAM), Restricted
power consumption, Smaller displays, and
Different input devices (eg. a phone keypad).
Similarly, wireless data networks present a
more constrained communication environment
compared to wired networks. Because of
fundamental limitation of power available
spectrum, and mobility, wireless data networks
tend to have: Less bandwidth, More latency,
Less connection stability, and Less predictable
availability. Mobile networks are growing in
complexity and the cost of all aspects for
provisioning of more value added services
is increasing. In order to meet the requirements
of mobile network operators, solutions must
be: Interoperable-terminals from different
manufactures communicate with services in
the mobile network; Scalable-mobile network
operators are able to scale services to customer
needs; Efficient-provides quality of service
suited to the behaviour and characteristics
of the mobile network; Reliable - provides a
consistent and predictable platform for deploying
services; and Secure-enables services to be
extended over potentially unprotected mobile
networks still preserving the integrity of user
data; protects the devices and services from
security problems such as denial of service.
The WAP specifications address mobile network
characteristics and operator needs by adapting
existing network technology to the special
requirements of mass market, hand-held
wireless data devices and by introducing new
technology where appropriate The requirements
of the WAP Forum architecture are to:Leverage
existing standards where possible; Define a
layered, scalable and extensible architecture;
Support as many wireless networks as possible;
Optimise for narrow-band bearers with
potentially high latency; Optimise for efficient
use of device resources
(low memory / CPU usage / power consumption);
Provide support for secure application and communications;
Enable the creation of Man Machine Interfaces
(MIMs) with maximum flexibility and vendor control;
Provide access to local handset functionality,
such as logical indication for incoming call; Facilitate
network-operator and third party service provisioning;
Support multi-vendor interoperability by defining the
optional and mandatory components of the specification..
satya prakash tiwari

seminar topic

PLAN 9 Operating system:-
By the mid 1980 s, the trend in computing was
away from large centralized time-shared
computers towards networks of smaller,
personal machines, typically UNIX `workstations .
People had grown weary of overloaded,
bureaucratic timesharing machines and were
eager to move to small, self-maintained systems,
even if that meant a net loss in computing power.
As microcomputers became faster, even that
loss was recovered, and this style of computing
remains popular today.Plan 9 began in the late
1980 s as an attempt to have it both ways: to
build a system that was centrally administered
and cost-effective using cheap modern
microcomputers as its computing elements.
The idea was to build a time-sharing system
out of workstations, but in a novel way.
Different computers would handle different
tasks: small, cheap machines in people s
offices would serve as terminals providing
access to large, central, shared resources
such as computing servers and file servers.
For the central machines, the coming wave
of shared-memory multiprocessors seemed
obvious candidates.Plan 9 is designed around
this basic principle that all resources appear as
files in a hierarchical file system, which is unique
to each process. As for the design of any
operating system various things such as the
design of the file and directory system implementation
and the various interfaces are important.
Plan 9 has all these well-designed features.
All these help to provide a strong base for
the operating system that could be well suited
in a distributed and networked environment.
The different features of Plan 9 operating
system are: The dump file system makes a
daily snapshot of the file store available to
the users. Unicode character set supported
throughout the system. Advanced kernel
synchronization facilities for parallel processing.
Security- there is no super-user or root user
and the passwords are never sent over the network..
satya prakash tiwari

seminar topic

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol:-
DAP is actually a simple protocol that is used
to access directory services. It is an open,
vendor neutral information such as e-mail
addresses and public keys for secure
transmission of data. The information contained
within an LDAP directory could be ASCII text
files, JPEG photographs or sound files. One
way to reduce the time taken to search for
information is to replicate the directory
information over different platforms so that
the process of locating a specific data is streamlined
and more resilient to failure of connections and
computers. This is what is done with
information in an LDAP structure.
LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,

is an Internet protocol runs over TCP/IP
that e-mail programs use to lookup contact
information from a server. A directory structure
is a specialized database, which is optimized for
browsing, searching, locating and reading
information. Thus LDAP make it possible to
obtain directory information such as e-mail
addresses and public keys. LDAP can handle
other information, but at present it is typically
used to associate names with phone numbers
and e-mail addresses.
LDAP is a directory structure and is completely

based on entries for each piece of information.
An entry is a collection of attributes that has
a globally-unique Distinguished Name (DN).
The information in LDAP is arranged in a
hierarchical tree-like structure. LDAP services
are implemented by using the client-server
architecture. There are options for referencing
and accessing information within the LDAP
structure. An entry is referenced by the type
of its uniquely distinguishable name. Unlike the

other directory structure, which allows the user
access to all the information available, LDAP
allows information to be accessed only after
authenticating the user. It also supports privacy
and integrity security services. There are two
daemons for LDAP which are slapd and slurpd.
AN LDAP DOMAIN A small domain may have
a single LDAP server, and a few clients.
The server commonly runs slapd, which will
serve LDAP requests and update data.
The client software is comprised of system

libraries translating normal lib calls into LDAP
data requests and providing some form of
update functionality .Larger domains may
have several LDAP slaves
(read-only replicas of a master read/write LDAP server).
For large installations, the domain may be
divided into sub domains, with referrals to
‘glue’ the sub domains together.
LDAP domain is structured on the surface in a
manner similar to an NIS domain; there are
masters, slaves, and clients. The clients may query
masters or slaves for information, but all updates must go to the masters. The ‘domain name’ under LDAP is slightly different than
that under NIS. LDAP domains may use
an organization name and country.
The clients may or may not authenticate

themselves to the server when performing
operations, depending on the configuration
of the client and the type of information requested.
Commonly access to no sensitive information
(such as port to service mappings) will be
unauthenticated requests, while password
information requests or any updates are
authenticated. Larger organizations may
subdivide their LDAP domain into sub domains.
LDAP allows for this type of scalability,
and uses ‘referrals’ to allow the
passing off of clients from one server to the next
(the same method is used by slave servers
to pass modification requests to the master).
satya prakash tiwari

seminar topic

vioce over internet protocol:-
VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol refers to
sending voice and fax phone calls over data
networks, particularly the Internet.
This technology offers cost savings by making
more efficient use of the existing network.
Traditionally, voice and data were carried
over separate networks optimized to suit
the differing characteristics of voice and
data traffic. With advances in technology,
it is now possible to carry voice and data over
the same networks whilst still catering for the
different characteristics required by voice and
data.Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP) is
an emerging technology that allows telephone
calls or faxes to be transported over an IP data
network. The IP network could beA local area
network in an officeA wide area network
linking the sites of a large international
organizationA corporate intranetThe internet
Any combination of the aboveThere can be
no doubt that IP is here to stay. The explosive
growth of the Internet, making IP the
predominate networking protocol globally,
presents a huge opportunity to dispense with
separate voice and data networks and use
IP technology for voice traffic as well as data.
As voice and data network technologies merge,
massive infrastructure cost savings can be
made as the need to provide separate
networks for voice and data can be
eliminated. Most traditional phone networks
use the Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN),
this system employs circuit-switched technology
that requires a dedicated voice channel to be
assigned to each particular conversation.
Messages are sent in analog format over
this network. Today, phone networks are
on a migration path to VoIP. A VoIP system
employs a packet-switched network, where
the voice signal is digitized, compressed
and packetized. This compressed digital
message no longer requires a voice channel.
Instead, a message can be sent across the
same data lines that are used for the Intranet
or Internet and a dedicated channels is
no longer needed. The message can now
share bandwidth with other messages in
the network. Normal data traffic is carried
between PC s, servers, printers, and other
networked devices through a company s
worldwide TCP/IP network. Each device on
the network has an IP address, which is
attached to every packet for routing.
Voice-over-IP packets are no different.
Users may use appliances such as Symbol s
NetVision phone to talk to other IP phones or
desktop PC-based phones located at company
sites worldwide, provided that a voice-enabled
network is installed at the site. Installation
simply involves assigning an IP address to
each wireless handset. VOIP lets you make
toll-free long distance voice and fax calls
over existing IP data networks instead of
the public switched telephone network (PSTN).
Today business that implement their own
VOIP solution can dramatically cut long
distance costs between two or more locations.
satya prakash tiwari
b.tech (c.s.e.)

Monday, February 9, 2009

indian leader

At the time the British controlled South Africa. When he

attempted to claim his rights as a British subject he
was abused, and soon saw that all Indians suffered
similar treatment. Gandhi stayed in South Africa for 21
years working to secure rights for Indian people।
He developed a method of action based upon the
principles of courage, nonviolence and truth called
Satyagraha. He believed that the way people behave
more important than what they achieve. Satyagraha
promoted nonviolence and civil disobedience as the
most appropriate methods for obtaining political and
social goals. In 1915 Gandhi returned to India. Within
15 years he became the leader of the Indian
nationalist movement.
Using the principles of Satyagraha he led the
campaign for Indian independence from Britain.
Gandhi was arrested many times by the British
for his activities in South Africa and India
He believed it was honorable to go to jail
for a just cause. Altogether he spent seven
years in prison for his political activities.
More than once Gandhi used fasting to
impress upon others the need to be nonviolent.
India was granted independence in 1947,
and partitioned into India and Pakistan.
Rioting between Hindus and Muslims followed.
Gandhi had been an
advocate for a united India where Hindus
On January 13, 1948, at the age of 78, he
began a fast with the purpose of stopping
the bloodshed. After 5 days the opposing
leaders pledged to stop the fighting and
Gandhi broke his fast. Twelve days later
a Hindu fanatic, Nathuram Godse who
opposed his program of tolerance for
all creeds and religion assassinated him.

satya praksh tiwari

my ideal

this is the my ideal......mr.A.P.J.Kalam..............................
India's 11th President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam assumed office on July 25, 2002. He was born on 15th October 1931 at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu. Dr. Kalam has been often referred to as the "Missile Man of India" and was the Project Director of India's first indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III). Career. He graduated in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology in 1958 and joined the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). In 1962, Kalam joined the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). In 1982, he rejoined DRDO as the Chief Executive of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). Dr. Kalam is credited with the development and operationalisation of India's Agni and Prithvi missiles. He worked as the Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development from 1992 to 1999. During this period , the Pokhran-II nuclear tests were conducted. Dr. Kalam held the office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India from November 1999 to November 2001.

Dr. Kalam took up teaching at Anna University, Chennai from November 2001. He is a prolific author. His books , "Wings of Fire", "India 2020 - A Vision for the New Millennium", "My journey" and "Ignited Minds - Unleashing the power within India" have become bestsellers. He is a favourite with children all over the country and has met children all over the country and has encouraged them with his learned talks.

Dr. Kalam has received a host of awards both in India and abroad. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1981, Padma Vibhushan 1990 and the Bharat Ratna in 1997. He is of the view that we should work wholeheartedly to make India a developed nation by 2020.Besides being a bachelor, Kalam is a strict disciplarinian, a complete vegetarian and teetotaler. Among the many firsts to his credit, he became India's first President to undertake an undersea journey when he boarded the INS Sindhurakshak, a submarine, from Visakhapatnam. He also became the first president to undertake a sortie in an fighter aircraft, a Sukhoi-30 MKI. Dr.Abdul Kalam's term expires this year.

satya prakash tiwari
b.tech (c.s.e)


Sunday, February 8, 2009

my college

this is the my college.
my college name is"umanath singh institute of engineering and technology veer bahadur singh purvanchal university jaunpur"i am the satya prakash tiwari i read in this college .
i am pursuing b.tech .

About my college:-

my college are situated in the jaunpur.

it is placed 11th k.m. away from the jaunpur city .it covered the almost 4k.m. area.
my college is attach with the veer bahadur singh purvanchal university.
in the university campus only professional course are available .
in the professional b.tech,b.pharma ,mca,mba,bio.tech,mass communicati0n course are available.
my college take admission after 10+2.it is the minimal requirement to admission in u.n.s.i.e.t.
the college take own entrance examination or select on the basis of u.p.t.u. rank.
the computer science engineering is the cream branch of the my college.
mr.R.C.Sarswat is the vice chancllor of the v.b.s.purvanchal university.
mr.Ashok Shrivastwa is the director of the u.n.s.i.e.t
mr.Jagadamba Mshra is the president of employee of the v.b.s. purvanchal university.

sarswati sadan

my college



this is the picture of mahatma bhuddha ..
which is the situated in the kushinagar..
here the mahatma bhuddha was get the mahapernirvaan..its means they take off his body..
the mahatma bhuddha was a great sant..
they were want to create a different world where all people are equal acoording to there cost,there religious .They want to made a uncredible world. indian constitution rights "rights to equality"the all man are equal.
they can not be divided in to part on the basis of religious ,cast,state or any things ..
""kushinagar""is situated in the utter pradesh which is the state of india..
if you want to see the this place then you first came on delhi.after reached delhi you come on gorakhpur by aeroplane or you can also come on by train.
when you reached the gorakhpur then you sit in a bus after 1 or 2 hours travel you reached the your destination i.s.kushinagar..
at last i want to say to whole people who reads my blogs or who are listen about kushinagar
please come on here and do enjoy....
take care...
..........bhuddham sharnam gachhami........

gorakshnath temple..

the Gorakshnath temple was made in the created by GURU AGORAKHNATH JI MHARAJ
This is the holy place of hindu's..
in the festival of "MAKAR SHANKRANTI" here are many people comes and worship of god.
the temple are very beautiful.near the temple a beautiful garden are also placed.
a pond are taken place near the temple .there are many fishes ducks are swimming in the pond.
the seen are looking very nice..
all people are taken lunch ,dinner in free...
near the temple many lag,s hotel,s are available only paying some rupees.
the dharmshala,s are also available in free cost..
temple are covered a large area in the gorakhpur..
"shree avaidnath ji maharaj"is currently the president of the gorakhnath temple..
"shree aditynath ji maharaj "will be the next president of gorakhnath temple ..
the distance of temple from the "gorakhpur"railway station is almost 2k.m...
you can go from the station by 'auto rikshaw' are by feet after few minutes walk you will reached the temple...
and you can do injoy there...
"""""""""jai gorakhnath ji maharaj"""""""""

Saturday, January 31, 2009


my web page</title<br /></head><br /><body bgcolor="yellow" test="yellow"><br /><hr/><br /></ul><br /><p aling="left"><font color="red"><b><li><h1><p>my name is satya</br></h1></li></b></font></p><br /><p aling=""center><font color="voilet"><li><h3>i persuing b.tech</br></h3></li></font></p><br /><p aling="right"><font color="blue"><li>my branch is computer science.</br></li></font></p><br /><p aling="center"><font color="green"><li>my college name is <h1>unsiet.</h1></p></li></font></p><br /></ul><br /></body><br /></html><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn'>s.p.tiwari</span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <a class='timestamp-link' href='http://satyagorakhpur.blogspot.com/2009/01/satya3html.html' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' title='2009-01-31T07:07:00-08:00'>7:07 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span 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entry-content'> <span style="font-family: arial;">hi........<br />i satya prakash tiwari..i live in bodarwar ,kushinagar<br />i give to you some about this place..<br />this is a historical place..<br />this is the death place of mahatma bhuddha .....<br />here r many travelar are came to saw the tample of buddha..<br /></span> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn'>s.p.tiwari</span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <a class='timestamp-link' href='http://satyagorakhpur.blogspot.com/2009/01/about-kushinagar.html' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' title='2009-01-31T04:42:00-08:00'>4:42 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='https://www.blogger.com/comment/fullpage/post/1222903651483972755/1991506544042640301' onclick=''>1 comments</a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span 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